On the eve of the Day of Knowledge, at the numerous requests of the residents of the village of Babarap in the Akhal velayat, and also, taking into account the requests of the khyakimliks of the Geoktepe etrap and the Akhal vedayat, by the resolution of the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan secondary school No. 42 was named after their fellow countryman Annak Sahetmuradov. In addition, a new educational institution for schoolchildren in the village received the status of a “specialized school”.

And today, early in the morning, on the day of knowledge, those who would cross the threshold of the school for the first time and those who were impatiently awaiting its opening - workers and the teaching staff - reached out to the new school by the hand with their parents. Representatives of the public, honorary veterans and elders of the village and velayat are invited to the grand opening as guests of honor. But with special trepidation the fellow villagers were waiting for the daughter of Annak Sakhetmuradov D. Orazdurdyeva.

The solemn line began with the announcement of the congratulations of the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

Then the teacher of mathematics of school №32 A. Tongaev spoke with congratulations to colleagues, fellow villagers and students. The speech of the tenth-grader of school # 31 of the etrap D. Rejepov was also touching and warmly received by the audience. D. Orazdurdyeva's daughter spoke about A. Sakhetmuradov's father, his military path and long-term pedagogical path.

The opening ceremony of the school ended with the presentation of gifts-computers to first-graders on behalf of the President of the country.

Not without pleasure, the first-graders and guests of the event got acquainted with the premises of the school. They examined special classes of informatics, biology, chemistry equipped with modern pedagogical equipment, and visited language laboratories.

"GA" Correspondent

The school was named after the warrior and teacher Annak Sakhetmuradov (