
Athletes of Turkmenistan won 11 medals at the 21st World Belt Wrestling Championship among men and women, which ended in Astana.

Prestigious competitions in the capital of Kazakhstan brought together representatives of 30 countries. Our team at the world championship was represented by 16 palvans, 11 of which won 4 gold, 4 silver and 3 bronze medals.

The highest awards were given to: students of the Turkmen State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports Hojamyrat Suhanov (weight category up to 57 kg), Atageldi Tejendurdyyev (up to 68 kg), Agayusup Garayev (up to 74 kg) and an athlete from the Lebap velayat Rozmyrat Medov (up to 82 kg).

The second step of the podium went up: in the men's tournament - Arslan Hojamberdiyev (up to 90 kg) from Ahal velayat and students of the Turkmen State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports Annagurban Allaberdiyev (up to 90 kg) and Nobatgeldi Nazarov (up to 100 kg), in the women's tournament - a representative Lebap velayat Jemal Ovliyakuliyeva (up to 65 kg).

Bronze medalists were: among men - Guvanch Hemrayev (up to 68 kg) from Lebap velayat and a student of the Turkmen State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports Nurmuhammet Baydogdyyev (over 100 kg), and

among women - Zarina Abdyrahmanova (up to 58 kg) from Lebap velayat.

Representatives of the coaching staff, which included: a teacher of the Turkmen State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports Nurali Lollukov, a leading specialist of the State Committee of Turkmenistan for Physical Culture and Sports Begmyrat Saparlyyev and an employee of the Belt Wrestling Federation of Turkmenistan Charymyrat Akmammedov, provided great assistance to our athletes during the World Cup.

Turkmen wrestlers win 11 medals at the World Belt Wrestling Championship in Kazakhstan (turkmenistan.gov.tm)